2 minutes read

Coordinator: Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (EIJKU)

Funding institution: European Commission, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action


The two higher-order objectives of CAMPAIGNers are:

  1. providing the best possible and highly impactful scientific support to designing mitigation pathways and policies;
  2. creating immediate engagement of citizens in climate actions and supporting them in adopting a more climate-friendly lifestyle.

Specific attainable pathways to carbon-neutral lifestyles are needed to develop policy action plans across EU and non-EU cities/regions. CAMPAIGNers will define achievable lifestyle changes, backed by an unprecedented level of empirical research, to use as a framework for both the interventions planned in the project, and overall model-based assessments of national, EU and global climate change mitigation pathways. The objectives of CAMPAIGNers flow from the unsolved challenges as revealed in the existing lifestyle research.


In response to the urgency of implementing measures for meeting the targets set out in the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal, CAMPAIGNers combines a game-changing research agenda with a parallel and immediate process for supporting cities to decarbonize the lifestyles of their citizens and thereby produce real and substantial CO2 savings during the project runtime, and beyond. Results from the bottom-up research on decarbonising lifestyles are transformed into achievable lifestyle pathways until 2030, and 2050 and a long term vision for the strategy after the mid-century that will support national and EU authorities in the preparation and implementation of their revised NDCs and their long-term low-emission development strategies. The project will derive reliable policies for supporting consumers on their path to more climate-friendly lifestyles and investment decisions at multiple-levels of policymaking. Derivation of policies from research activities in CAMPAIGNers will be embedded in an interactive trans-disciplinary approach with political decision makers at the city, national and EU levels as well as businesses and consumers.