Modelling the Energy TransitionModelling the Energy Transition - MET is a research program aimed at studying the energy transition in dynamic settings and under uncertainty by developing economic models with both a micro and macro approach [...]READ MORETechnologies for the Energy TransitionTechnologies for the Energy Transition (TET)’s mission is to explore and assess the economic and social facets of innovation within the energy sector [...]READ MOREClimate Change AdaptationProblems deriving from present and future impacts of climate change have increasing relevance for global societies and economies [...]READ MOREEconometrics of the Energy TransitionIn recent years attention has increased among applied economists on monitoring the behavior and the interconnections between key energy variables, indicators of climate change, the macroeconomy, commodities and financial markets [...]READ MORELabour in the Low-carbon Transition The research program Labour in the Low-carbon Transition (LiLT) studies topics related to the effect of climate policies, green subsidies and broad green deal plans on the structure of the economy [...]READ MORERAw Materials for the Energy TransitionThe energy transition is a pillar of climate policies [...]READ MORESustainable MobilityUnder the Paris Agreement, EU countries are committed to making the EU climate-neutral by 2050 [...]READ MOREAgenda 2030 and Sustainable DevelopmentThe 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development research program (ASD) aims at supporting the new strategic direction of sustainable development defined by the UN on September 15, 2015, by developing innovative research tools to interpret and manage the complexity that characterizes the current socio-economic system [...]READ MORE Publications WORKING PAPERS Green Investment in the EU and the US: Markup InsightsREAD MOREJOURNAL ARTICLES A game-theoretic framework for sustainable water allocation in agriculture: Enhancing economic and water efficiency in Akrotiri district (Cyprus)READ MOREWORKING PAPERS Forecasting the Volatility of Energy Transition MetalsREAD MOREWORKING PAPERS The Enemy of My EnemyREAD MOREWORKING PAPERS Skill-Biased Employment and the Stringency of Environmental Regulations in European CountriesREAD MOREWORKING PAPERS Climate Activism Favors Pro-environmental ConsumptionREAD MOREWORKING PAPERS Hot Wages: How Do Heat Waves Change the Earnings Distribution?READ MOREJOURNAL ARTICLES Industrial Policy in Times of Market PowerREAD MOREPOLICY BRIEFS Sostituzione o accumulo? Un paradosso nel parco automobilistico italianoREAD MORE Events FEEM EVENTS FEEM Events Calendar FIND OUT MORE YOUTUBE | FEEMCHANNEL FEEM YouTube Channel VISIT FEEMCHANNEL Stay up to date. Subscribe to FEEM’s Newsletter SUBSCRIBE Join FEEM’s Community on Linkedin FOLLOW US [ITA] Equilibri Magazine Odissea Energetica: il ruolo dell’IA tra sfide e opportunità per il futuro nucleareREAD MORERidurre il gap di genere nelle materie STEMREAD MOREPresente e futuro delle negoziazioni climatiche: tra fair shares e climate clubsREAD MOREIl tasso di sconto sociale: quanta importanza diamo al futuro?READ MORECOP29: i risultati di Baku e le sfide futureREAD MOREDemografia Italia, al tramonto non segue l’albaREAD MOREPerché i Paesi in via di sviluppo non vogliono l’Agenda 2030?READ MORECER e comunità di prosumer: il protagonismo energetico dei comuni lucaniREAD MORE FEEM Projects EUROPEAN PROJECTS IntEgrated protection and Restoration apprOaches for natUral Lake EcoSystems (EUROLakes) READ MORE EUROPEAN PROJECTS SkiLMeeT – Skills for Labour Markets in the green and digital Transition READ MORE FUNDED PROJECTS CLIMATE RISK POLICY NEXUS READ MORE EUROPEAN PROJECTS EconCSA – Assessing the Economic Efficiency of the Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia READ MORE FUNDED PROJECTS Climate ecologies in reclaimed coastal productive landscapes READ MORE EUROPEAN PROJECTS The provision of research advice and papers on topic related to “ESG practices in emerging economies and climate transition in Europe” READ MORE FUNDED PROJECTS [ITA] Digitization of Documentary Heritage READ MORE FUNDED PROJECTS [ITA] The Library of Professor Giulio Sapelli READ MORE