Active Demand Value ANd Consumers Experiences Discovery – ADVANCED
Active Demand (AD) has the potential to contribute to solving the challenges of electricity systems and offers significant benefits to consumers. There are only few real AD programmes being implemented in Europe and the results of AD pilots are rather fragmented. AD is considered one of the largest untapped energy resources. The main reason behind it is insufficient consumer awareness regarding their own energy consumption and the benefits of altering it in line with the network constraints.
Active Demand (AD) has the potential to contribute to solving the challenges of electricity systems and offers significant benefits to consumers. There are only few real AD programmes being implemented in Europe and the results of AD pilots are rather fragmented. AD is considered one of the largest untapped energy resources. The main reason behind it is insufficient consumer awareness regarding their own energy consumption and the benefits of altering it in line with the network constraints. This is aligned with the lack of insights into the AD related behavioral barriers and unavailability of best practices for AD design. ADVANCED will develop actionable frameworks enabling residential, commercial/industrial consumers to participate in AD, thus contributing to AD mass deployment in Europe. Also, the benefits of AD for key stakeholders and the inherent impacts on the electricity systems considering its potential contribution to system stability and efficiency will be quantified according to different et /regulatory scenarios. This will be achieved by comparing different AD solutions based on data from 4 AD pilots with ca. 9,500 residential and some commercial/industrial consumers matched with a database consisting of 100 AD pilots, the experience of a Demand Response (DR) aggregator and data on further AD initiatives. The data will be extended within professional surveys incl. a quantitative one in 8 EU Member States. On this basis and developing a conceptual model of active consumer participation and appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPI), key success factors of AD and recommendations for its future design will be derived taking privacy and security into account. The consortium of key European DSOs, scientific institutions, an energy consultancy, a market research company and a DR aggregator led by Enel is an ideal starting point for the 24-months project both in terms of the expertise and the data access. It will be supported by a Stakeholder Advisory Board composed of the main AD target groups including consumer representations.