Sergio Vergalli is Full Professor in Economic Policy in the Department of Economics and Management of the Brescia University, Italy. He is Programme Director of the scientific programme “Modelling the Energy Transition (MET)”.
01.09.2023 / 31.08.2025
Research Project | Ongoing Project
EconCSA – Assessing the Economic Efficiency of the Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia
01.06.2021 / 30.04.2025
Research Project | Ongoing Project
NEXUS Nature Ecosystem Society Solution: Fair and Sustainable Resource Allocation Demonstrator of the Multiple WEFE Nexus Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits for Mediterranean Regions- NEXUSNESS
01.07.2024 / 31.01.2025
Research Project | Ongoing Project
Breaking the lag: indagine sugli impatti delle tecnologie per lo sviluppo sostenibile sulle traiettorie economiche delle Regioni nel Sud della Lombardia (Cremona, Crema, Lodi, Pavia e Ovest Bresciano)