Meno di un minuto

This project aims to provide an overview of the most crucial methodological issues that climate change cost assessment and climate change control policies must face and to develop a methodological framework to be implemented when trying to estimate the costs of climate change in practice, on peculiar case-studies. The project tests the goodness of the methodological approach developed, by applying the costing methodology to one Italian costal area, the Sangro area, located in the Abruzzo region.

The complexity of climate change cost assessment involves several crucial dimensions, including non-market evaluation, risk and uncertainty, baseline definition, equity and discounting.

The first aim of this project is to provide an overview of the most crucial methodological issues that climate change cost assessment and climate change control policies must face, and to develop a methodological framework to be implemented when trying to estimate the costs of climate change in practice, on peculiar case-studies.

Moreover, the project tests the goodness of the methodological approach developed, by applying the costing methodology to one Italian costal area, the Sangro area, located in the Abruzzo region. A multi-scenario approach is therefore applied, which estimates the direct costs of alternative future risk scenarios based on extrapolations at 2100. Risk scenarios are defined considering the risk of future sea-level-rise, estimated by a team of climatologists and geologists, and making some assumptions on future socio-economic territorial conditions.

The project is a sub-task of a project coordinated by ENEA (Progetto di fattibilità per la valutazione della vulnerabilità e degli impatti delle variazioni climatiche sulla Regione Abruzzo ed ipotesi di adattamento).The consortium consists of various Italian consultants with complementary experience, including geologists and climatologists, from ENEA, and environmental economists and engineers from FEEM.