Low climate IMpact scenarios and the Implications of required Tight emission control Strategies – LIMITS
LIMITS aims at advancing the understanding of the implementation of climate policies consistent with 2 degree Celsius; its objective is to carry out a rigorous assessment of what a stringent climate policy entails, and what is needed to overcome major impediments. This information will allow policymakers to better assess the costs and benegits of aggressive climate targets, and on how to make them implementable.
LIMITS aims at advancing the understanding of the implementation of climate policies consistent with 2 degree Celsius; its objective is to carry out a rigorous assessment of what a stringent climate policy entails, and what is needed to overcome major impediments. This information will allow policymakers to better assess the costs and benegits of aggressive climate targets, and on how to make them implementable. More in details, the main objective of LIMITS is to provide an assessment of the emissions reductions strategies at the level of the world and the major global economies, and to assess their implementation in terms of:
- Defining emission reduction pathways according to different assumptions about technology availability, policy regimes, implementation obstacles, and evaluating the regional distribution of mitigation at the level of major economies.
- Assessing the investment requirements to implement these transformation pathways and the finance mechanisms such that these resources can be best raised and allocated.
- Evaluating the national and international policies which are needed to ensure that the transition to a low carbon energy infrastructure is attained efficiently, given specific obstacles in the respective economies.
- Quantifying the changes in the energy infrastructure and land use which major economies need to implement to attain stringent climate policies.
- Evaluating the linkages of climate policies with other issues such as energy security, air pollution and economic development.