Evaluation of the GHGs effect of the EU legislation on Banning Illegal timbeR from the EU market. A quantitative analysis using the ICES model – BIRCH
The EU is discussing a legislation proposal on banning illegal timber from the EU market. This would follow the 2008 US legislation that prohibits the import of illegally harvested wood and wood products (the Combat Illegal Logging Act ). A multitude of ancillary benefits would derive from such legislation and among others the potential decrease of CO2 emissions from deforestation.
The EU is discussing a legislation proposal on banning illegal timber from the EU market. This would follow the 2008 US legislation that prohibits the import of illegally harvested wood and wood products (the Combat Illegal Logging Act ). A multitude of ancillary benefits would derive from such legislation and among others the potential decrease of CO2 emissions from deforestation.
BIRCH aims at using the recursive- dynamic ICES model developed by FEEM to estimate the reallocation of global demand and imports of timber following the pending EU legislation with the final objective of measuring the potential emission reduction.