European Network for Coastal Research – ENCORA
The ENCORA Co-ordination Action aims at the construction of an European network including 13 National Networks and 10 Thematic Networks among coastal scientists, politicians and practitioners. The network intends to promote the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) by overcoming the fragmentation of coastal science, practice and policy, by improving communication between science, policy and practice, and by proposing multidisciplinary approaches…
The ENCORA Co-ordination Action aims at the construction of an European network including 13 National Networks and 10 Thematic Networks among coastal scientists, politicians and practitioners. The network intends to promote the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) by overcoming the fragmentation of coastal science, practice and policy, by improving communication between science, policy and practice, and by proposing multidisciplinary approaches.
Within the overall project FEEM is Theme Co-ordination Office (Host Office) of Thematic Network 1 “Social and economic aspects of ICZM; Multifunctionality and valuation”.
This Network is the reference point for the mapping of conflicts and impacts deriving from anthropogenic activities on coastal zones and for techniques, tools and practical approaches to facilitate the consideration and evaluation of socio-economic aspects during the formulation of strategies for ICZM.
The Co-ordinator of Thematic Network 1 is the Consorzio per la Gestione del Centro di Coordinamento delle Attività di Ricerca inerenti il Sistema Lagunare di Venezia (CORILA).