Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-level Governance – EPIGOV
The aim of EPIGOV is to structure the findings of the rapidly growing body of literature on Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) at the global, EU, national and local/regional levels, to be illustrated and discussed at three annual conferences organized within the Project.
EPIGOV is a Co-ordination Action on Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-level Governance, starting in February 2006 and ending in January 2009, with ongoing work on the preparation of two volumes on the main Project’s results.
The Project involves 19 partners and is co-ordinated by Ecologic, Germany. FEEM is one of the three principal partner institutes, which include IEEP, UK, and SEI, Sweden.
The integration of environmental issues into sectoral policy areas is widely recognised by the environmental community to be the key for sustainable development. Given its cross-cutting nature, Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) requires a change in policies and their implementation, and represents therefore a challenge for policy makers.
The aim of EPIGOV is to structure the findings of the rapidly growing body of literature on EPI at the global, EU, national and local/regional levels, to be illustrated and discussed at three annual conferences organized within the Project.