Concerted Action for Tradable Emission Permits – CATEP
The network intends to mobilise existing and on-going research on tradeable emission permits and other related flexible mechanisms so as to provide the policy process at European level with the latest insights and findings. The objective is to identify the frontiers of such research and help animate relevant new research. The network will keep key sectoral interest groups and the social partners to be informed on latest research findings and researchers on emerging needs and issues in the policy process.
The Kyoto Protocol allows trading of greenhouse gas emissions across national frontiers as a means of complying with agreed national quota limits. CATEP (Concerted Action on Tradable Emission Permits) intends to bridge the gap between Europe and the US in integrating emissions trading into global climate change policy. The fundamental objective of CATEP is to provide a link between the work of the research community on the one hand, and the needs of the practitioners on the other. In particular, CATEP intends to:
A series of five Workshops on key issues are to be held over 30 month. They will address the following issues: overview of key inssues emissions trading, including theory and practise; domestic trading; regional trading; global trading; synthesis on key insights from the other workshops presented with particular focus on the needs of those in the policy process mechanisms. Besides, there will be one Country Forum that will provide an opportunity for practitioners operating at national level to present their progress, and raise issues for discussion amongst peers, and the research community.
The project started in December 2000 and will last 30 months. It is co-ordinated by the Prof. Frank Convery of University College of Dublin (Ireland) and involves other 13 European partners.