Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies for Human Health in Europe – cCASHh
Irrespective of any actions that may soon be taken to reduce or halt climate change, human populations will be exposed to some degree of climate change over the coming decades. There is therefore a need to consider how to enhance the adaptation possibilities of communities to climate-related impacts on human health.
The project is co-ordinated by WHO/ECEH, contact person Bettina Menne, and is organised in 11 work packages. Starting from the consideration that human populations are probably to be exposed to some degree of climate change over the coming decades, the project aims to enhance the adaptation possibilities of communities to climate-related impacts on human health.
In order to reach this aim, a conceptual framework, vulnerability assessments, policy and economic analysis, and Integrated Assessment models are used to identify and evaluate adaptation possibilities for human health with regard to thermal stresses, extreme weather events, vector-borne diseases and food and waterborne diseases.
The role of FEEM is to give a strategic contribution to the whole project trying to underline the most cost-effective adaptation strategies.