Globalisation involves complex shifts in the world’s social, political and economic paradigms destined to unhinge consolidated transnational relations and to lay the groundwork for future governance scenarios. A multidisciplinary approach, including the sociological, economic, anthropological, political and technological dimensions, is needed to fully comprehend the complexity and interdependence of these changes. FEEM’s “Economy and Society” Series aims at stimulating and disseminating novel perspectives to interpret the multiple cultural, economic and geostrategic challenges ahead. Capitalising on the international lectures of the Research Programme “Economy and Society”, each volume will propose a different topic, opening the debate to a variety of interpretations and providing the scientific community, decision makers and civil society with the latest theoretical insights in view of a new planetary governance.


The “Unconventional Oil Revolution” is a challenging topic that has profound consequences at both economic, technological and geopolitical levels. In particular, the rise of US tight oil production could dramatically impact on US domestic and international energy policy strategies, driving a global spin in the world energy scenario. The expectations on unconventional oil growth and the possibility of a shift in the balance of energy exchange could deeply change the US presence and intervention in some critical areas of the world. It could also lead to the rise of new players and different approaches in managing complex relations. This volume addresses the complex consequences related to the unconventional hydrocarbons revolution, focusing primarily on US foreign policy, the driving forces leading towards a new world energy balance, the role of new players in a renewed energy scenario and the related political, sociological and geostrategic dynamics.

ISBN number: 9788890991806

FEEM Press, Economy and Society Series, 1/2014