Sustainable Management of Water Resources : an Integrated Approach
Carlo Giupponi, Derek Karssenberg, Anthony Jakeman, Matt P. Hare
Edward Elgar, Series on Economics and the Environment
This book provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and highly
accessible introduction to water resource management, covering topics
such as the ecology of surface waters, international regulations and
economics, stakeholder participation in management, tools and methods
for decision making, integrated modelling, decision making and water
policies, stakeholder participation and social issues.  Â
Contributors: Contributors: R.M. Argent, O. Barreteau,
M.B. Beck, J. Bromley, V. Cogan, A. Fassio, J. Feás Và zquez, P.F.
Ghetti, C. Giupponi, M.P. Hare, A.J. Jakeman, R. Janssen, D.
Karssenberg, R.A. Letcher, H. Maier, G. Mondello, E. Mostert, J. Mysiak,
J.P. Norton, C. Pahl-Wostl, K. Pfeffer, D. Ridder, A.E. Rizzoli, P.
Rosato, J.D. TÃ bara, M. van Herwijnen, M. Vissers
This book provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and highly accessible introduction to water resource management, covering topics such as the ecology of surface waters, international regulations and economics, stakeholder participation in management, tools and methods for decision making, integrated modelling, decision making and water policies, stakeholder participation and social issues.  Â
Contributors: Contributors: R.M. Argent, O. Barreteau, M.B. Beck, J. Bromley, V. Cogan, A. Fassio, J. Feás Và zquez, P.F. Ghetti, C. Giupponi, M.P. Hare, A.J. Jakeman, R. Janssen, D. Karssenberg, R.A. Letcher, H. Maier, G. Mondello, E. Mostert, J. Mysiak, J.P. Norton, C. Pahl-Wostl, K. Pfeffer, D. Ridder, A.E. Rizzoli, P. Rosato, J.D. Tà bara, M. van Herwijnen, M. Vissers