REMIND-D: A Hybrid Energy-Economy Model of Germany
Eva Schmid, Brigitte Knopf, Nico Bauer
O41, O52, Q43
Hybrid Model, Germany, Energy System, Domestic Mitigation
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Carlo Carraro
This paper presents a detailed documentation of the hybrid energy-economy model REMIND-D. REMIND-D is a Ramsey-type growth model for Germany that integrates a detailed bottom-up energy system module, coupled by a hard link. The model provides a quantitative framework for analyzing long-term domestic CO2 emission reduction scenarios. Due to its hybrid nature, REMIND-D facilitates an integrated analysis of the interplay between technological mitigation options in the different sectors of the energy system as well as overall macroeconomic dynamics. REMIND-D is an intertemporal optimization model, featuring optimal annual mitigation effort and technology deployment as a model output. In order to provide transparency on model assumptions, this paper gives an overview of the model structure, the input data used to calibrate REMIND-D to the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as the techno-economic parameters of the technologies considered in the energy system module.