PB Annual Report 2007
Starting from 2007, PB issues two privatization reports per year: 1) a privatization interim report at the end of the first semester; and 2) a privatization annual report at the end of the year. These two new publications will replace the format and the structure of the previous semi-annual PB Newsletter, keeping the contents basically unchanged. The PB Interim Report The PB Interim Report will cover the first half of the year. The most important deals and trends of the first semester of the year will be regularly commented reporting aggregate data on revenues and transactions and providing updated statistics at the country and sector level. The PB Annual Report A comprehensive Annual Report on privatization activity will be issued at the end of the year. It will present a twelve-months summary on the privatization activity in the enlarged Europe; it will hosts contributed articles by top international scholars; and will also report on the PB indexes, a series of indicators which follow the performance of equity investment in privatized companies in the EU. Rigorous, updated, easily accessible and freely distributed on the web, the PB Reports on privatization are an authoritative source of information and a vehicle for a more informed discussion on the choices and consequences of privatization.