Optimal Agglomerations in Dynamic Economics
William A. Brock, Anastasios Xepapadeas, Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos
Codice JEL
C61, R11
C61, R11
Parole chiave:
Agglomeration, Spatial Spillovers, Spillover Induced Instability, Rational Expectations Equilibrium, Social Optimum, Monotone Operators
Agglomeration, Spatial Spillovers, Spillover Induced Instability, Rational Expectations Equilibrium, Social Optimum, Monotone Operators
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Carlo Carraro
Carlo Carraro
We study rational expectations equilibrium problems and social optimum problems in infinite horizon spatial economies in the con- text of a Ramsey type capital accumulation problem with geographical spillovers. We identify sufficient local and global conditions for the emergence (or not) of optimal agglomeration, using techniques from monotone operator theory and spectral theory in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Our analytical methods can be used to systematically study optimal potential agglomeration and clustering in dynamic economics.