Equilibri 2020 – Special Issue: Souths of the World
The Earth’s magnetic field, a manifestation of the great iron mass which is at the centre of the Earth and without which there would be no life on our planet, moves from 50- 70 km a year, from Canada to Siberia.
As has already happened on Earth in other geological eras, the North and the South have often reversed due to inexplicable internal upheavals in the core. The identification of what North and South are is connected to the present and to the current contingency and any impression of their immutability is purely conventional.
In the next 30 years, as the Earth’s magnetic field could overturn, so the destinies of the wealthy West could drastically change. Just with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic that we are just beginning to experience, it is possible to glimpse a new geostrategic structure of nebulous proportions, but potentially very significant. In physics there is no magnetic monopole, or the possibility of dividing the North from the South: North and South are in fact inseparable, indissoluble. There is no North without South: the first results in the second and vice versa, we cannot study the one without the other.
One issue therefore seems important: compared to the North, over the past twenty years the South has shown a great dynamism, unprecedented in the history of our world. The large population growth and increase in life expectancy, access to new and more efficient technologies and expansion of productive capacities have made the Souths of the world places of fascinating experimentation, full of new forms of governance, captured and often copied, as best practices, from the old West. Alongside of these elements a difficult transition to modernity still coexists, with wide and varied pockets of underdevelopment. Urbanization is often out of control and services are insufficient to cover the major changes taking place.
The Earth’s magnetic field, a manifestation of the great iron mass which is at the centre of the Earth and without which there would be no life on our planet, moves from 50- 70 km a year, from Canada to Siberia.
As has already happened on Earth in other geological eras, the North and the South have often reversed due to inexplicable internal upheavals in the core. The identification of what North and South are is connected to the present and to the current contingency and any impression of their immutability is purely conventional.
In the next 30 years, as the Earth’s magnetic field could overturn, so the destinies of the wealthy West could drastically change. Just with the advent of the coronavirus pandemic that we are just beginning to experience, it is possible to glimpse a new geostrategic structure of nebulous proportions, but potentially very significant. In physics there is no magnetic monopole, or the possibility of dividing the North from the South: North and South are in fact inseparable, indissoluble. There is no North without South: the first results in the second and vice versa, we cannot study the one without the other.
One issue therefore seems important: compared to the North, over the past twenty years the South has shown a great dynamism, unprecedented in the history of our world. The large population growth and increase in life expectancy, access to new and more efficient technologies and expansion of productive capacities have made the Souths of the world places of fascinating experimentation, full of new forms of governance, captured and often copied, as best practices, from the old West. Alongside of these elements a difficult transition to modernity still coexists, with wide and varied pockets of underdevelopment. Urbanization is often out of control and services are insufficient to cover the major changes taking place.