Dynamic and Distributional Effects of Environmental Revenue Recycling Schemes: Simulations with a General Equilibrium Model of the Italian Economy
Roberto Roson
Parole chiave:
Applied general equilibrium models,double dividend,environmental taxation,Italy
Applied general equilibrium models,double dividend,environmental taxation,Italy
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Carlo Carraro
Carlo Carraro
A dynamic general equilibrium model of the Italian economy is used to assess the impact of carbon taxation (or auctioned carbon permits), where additional revenue is used to cut either existing taxes on labour or on capital income. Simulation results do not support the existence of the so-called “double dividend” when labour taxes are reduced, whereas lower tax rates on capital have mild positive effects on growth and welfare, with progressivity properties on income distribution. These findings hinge on the assumptions of open economy, given world interest rate, and capital mobility.