Annual Report 2011
In 2011 FEEM has consolidated its research activities around two main research programmes: one on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” and the other one on “Energy: Resources and Markets”. These two research programmes aim at promoting innovative research across the various dimensions of the global environmental and energy challenges, improving the analysis of the economics and policies of mitigation and adaptation to climate change and developing a strategic socio-economic analysis of the energy policies needed to support the transition to a low-carbon and more sustainable world. A third area of important research is devoted to “Economy and Society”, promoting a multidisciplinary approach to scientific research on sustainability and to the study of the human and social dimension of economic progress and civilization.
Research programmes and related activities follow the strategic guidelines stated in FEEM’s mission. Ongoing research is thus rigorous, fact-based, interdisciplinary, and international in terms of the composition of research teams and topics addressed.
FEEM’s research staff includes experienced international research leaders with key responsibility in the design and implementation of projects, senior and junior residential researchers working in the offices of Milan, Venice, and Viggiano, and research associates, typically affiliated to a university or to other research institutions and involved in specific projects.
In 2011, FEEM carried out 47 research projects, 37 of which financed by the European Commission or third parties. Related activities included the organization of 35 scientific conferences and workshops, 52 scientific seminars and 3 summer schools. Overall, these events attracted over 5,000 attendees. In 2011, FEEM published 100 working papers in the “Note di Lavoro” series, three thematic issues of the journal on sustainable development “Equilibri” and launched a new e-journal covering the areas of environmental and energy economics and policy, the “Review of Environment, Energy and Economics”, Re3 (See section FOCUS ON). The FEEM website recorded over 510,000 single visitors and over 1.4 million document downloads.