A New Approach for Mapping Electricity Access in Sub-Saharan Africa with Satellite Data
A study carried out as part of the FEP research program (Future Energy Program) has developed an online interface that combines satellite, geographical and demographic data to represent the progress of electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa from 2014 to date. Through satellite data it is possible to observe lighting during daylight hours, and especially at night, and to identify the areas where populations without access to the electricity grid or to autonomous generation solutions are concentrated. Since the satellite data are constantly updated over time, the interface allows tracking of the evolution of the electrification process, including the demographic dynamics. The high resolution of the data makes it possible to understand more effectively the geographical areas with or without access to electricity in the Sub-Saharan area. The dataset supports the policymakers involved in energy planning aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 7 of the 2030 Agenda for universal access to modern and sustainable energy.