The European Economic Association invites you to submit a paper to either the traditional Contributed Sessions or the Poster Session at the landmark “25th Congress of the European Economic Association”
The European Economic Association invites you to submit a paper to either the traditional Contributed Sessions or the Poster Session at the landmark "Twenty Fifth Congress of the European Economic Association" that will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, August 23-26, 2010.
The Congress is the main European conference that covers all aspects of economics, with a scientific program reflecting the very best work in the profession.
The program will include lectures by Esther Duflo (MIT) and Orazio Attanasio (UCL).
Full details will be available at the congress website.
To submit a paper go to the page, click on "Submit Paper" and follow the instructions.
The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2010.
Please note that one must be a member of the EEA in order to submit a paper.
To become a member visit the EEA website.
Timothy Besley, EEA President and David Stromberg, Programme Chair