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On September 24, 2014 Francisco Ferreira, Chief Economist for the Africa Region at the World Bank delivered a FEEM Lecture on growth and poverty reduction in Africa, investigating possible reasons for the ‘broken link’ between Africa’s growth and poverty reduction, exploring demographic factors, the sector composition of the growth process, the role of natural resources and conflict, and the importance of inequality. The streaming of the lecture and a short interview with F. Ferreira are available here.

FEEM Lecture "Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa"





Interview with Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Chief Economist, Africa Region, World Bank

  • What measures are needed to implement an effective development strateg in Africa?
  • The World Bank’s development strateg in Sub-Saharan Africa relies on human capita. What role does the education system play and which strategies can be pursued to support it?
  • Which development strategies can be put in place to deal with the risk of a religious and cultural conflict in the Sahel region? How can we support nation-building processes in this area?



    ***Find out more about the lecture here***