Meno di un minuto

The Global Energy Assessment (GEA) is a major, multi-year initiative that assesses the global energy challenges of our rapidly changing world. It is a result of collaborative and integrated work of over 500 authors, analysts and reviewers worldwide who contributed independent, scientifically based and policy relevant analysis of current and emerging energy issues and options.
GEA identifies the urgent need for a sustained and comprehensive strategy to resolve the challenges facing sustainable development, including poverty eradication, climate change mitigation, health, energy security and energy access. Implementation of this strategy relies on strong commitments from policy
                                         and decision makers for a grand transformation of the global energy system.


In these brief interviews granted to FEEM, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Deputy Director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and Thomas B. Johansson, Executive Committee Co-Chair of the Global Energy Assessment give an overview of this important report.