November 12, 2013 – Milan, Italy: Interview with: Carlo Carraro, Fabio Eboli, Marianne Fay, Paul Schreyer and Michaela Saisana
The "Methodologies and Indicators for Green Growth measurement" conference was held at FEEM’s headquarters in Milan on November 12, 2013. The objective of the conference was to assess the state of the art in quantitative measurement of sustainability, connecting theoretical background, practical assessment and policy perspectives. It was also the occasion to present the most updated findings of the FEEM Sustainability Index (FEEM SI) 2013.
The "Methodologies and Indicators for Green Growth measurement" conference was held at FEEM’s headquarters in Milan on November 12, 2013. The objective of the conference was to assess the state of the art in quantitative measurement of sustainability, connecting theoretical background, practical assessment and policy perspectives. It was also the occasion to present the most updated findings of the FEEM Sustainability Index (FEEM SI) 2013.
Here below we report some interviews held on that occasion with:
Carlo Carraro, University of Venice and FEEM and Fabio Eboli, FEEM SI Team Leader
Marianne Fay, World Bank
Michaela Saisana, EC-JRC
Paul Schreyer, OECD