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The 2013 FEEM "Oil Price Forecasts and Trends" conference took place in Milan on May 23-24, 2013. On that occasion, academics presented up-to-date research on how to model and forecast the price of oil, while representatives from the financial community and the policy sphere discussed the most recent paths and controversial issues about oil price trends. Political, economic and financial determinants driving the price of crude oil were analyzed in order to draw some conclusions about oil price forecasts in the short and long term scenarios. This collection features some interviews realized on that occasion.

  • Is it really crucial to devote research efforts in the attempt at forecasting the price of oil, or this activity is nothing more than "groping in the dark"? What are, in your experience, the important elements a researcher has to take into account to obtain accurate forecasts of the oil price?
  • According to many analysis, the main trends which characterize the international energy markets in the next twenty years are: i) GDP and demographic growth as the major drivers of global energy demand; ii) the role of emerging countries in shaping the dynamics of international energy markets; iii) the large availability of fossil fuels. Do you agree with this vision or there is something missing from this picture? Do you think that the recent exploitation of non-conventional (or "tight") oil in the U.S. will have significant economic and geo-political consequences in the international energy markets?
  • What are the main channels of interaction between the oil market and the financial markets? It is often alleged that trading activity on oil financial derivatives affects the spot price of oil. What is your position on this point?

    Interview with Bahattin Buyuksahin, Bank of Canada



    Interview with Leo Drollas, Centre for Global Energy Studies



     Interview with John Elder, Colorado State University



    Interview with Wincenty Kaminski, Rice University



    Interview with Charles F. Mason, University of Wyoming



    Interview with James Smith, Southern Methodist University