July 10, 2014 – Milan, Italy: International Workshop on “Energy Poverty And Energy Access: Global Challenges And Goals”
Energy access is a fundamental driver of economic and social development. It is still however unclear which public and private initiatives and policy design can be used to best attain the goal of energy poverty eradication. For this reason and with the aim to generate new insights and concrete policy recommendations, FEEM and FGF within the LabExpo Project, and in collaboration with eni, organized on July, 10, 2014 an international workshop gathering together representatives from the academia, international organizations, corporate institutions and industry. The streaming of the workshop is available here.
Energy access is a fundamental driver of economic and social development. It is still however unclear which public and private initiatives and policy design can be used to best attain the goal of energy poverty eradication. For this reason and with the aim to generate new insights and concrete policy recommendations, FEEM and FGF within the LabExpo Project, and in collaboration with eni, organized on July, 10, 2014 an international workshop gathering together representatives from the academia, international organizations, corporate institutions and industry.
The streaming of the workshop and some interviews with the experts are available below.
Interview with Stefano Bologna, United Nations Industrial Development
Interview with Carlo Carraro, Università Ca’ Foscari and FEEM
Interview with Ujjayant Chakravorty, Tufts University
Interview with Lucius Mayer-Tasch, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Interview with Shonali Pachauri, International Institute for Applied Systems
Interview with Alberto Piatti, President Fondazione AVSI
Interview with Andrea Poggio, Legambiente
Interview with Pippo Ranci, President WAME & Expo 2015
Credits:These interviews were realized by FEEM during the International Workshop "Energy Poverty and Energy Access: Global Challenges and Goals" (Milan, July 10, 2014), jointly organized by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, in collaboration with Eni . The questions are the "Main Questions" of the Project Lab Expo.