FEEM releases the Third Annual Newsletter of the PENNY project on the Psychological, Social and Financial Barriers to Energy Efficiency
As coordinator of the PENNY project, FEEM is pleased to circulate the Third Annual Newlsetter reporting the highlights of the third year of research activities.
The Newsletter summarizes the main insights from the assessment of energy-efficient policies and interventions, and describes what drives the acceptability of fossil energy-saving measures, the hidden motivations behind energy-saving and the initiatives to reduce energy use.
The primary goal of the project is to understand consumer behaviour in the domain of energy efficiency, and to provide an empirical and numerical assessment of the psychological, social, economic and financial factors that influence energy efficiency in the residential and industry sectors.
The PENNY research project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723791.
Read the Third Annual Newlsetter here!