FEEM Contributed to the Task Force: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the G20
In 2018 the G20 has the opportunity to streamline its commitment to the 2030 Agenda into its processes and practices with concrete actions. First, the G20 should task the Development Working Group with creating a common template to report on the SDGs that could replace other reporting formats within the G20. Here, the G20 has an opportunity to innovate in ways that ensure that all G20 actions refer to the 2030 Agenda as an overarching framework and thus more stringently support the general follow-up and review of the SDGs by the G20. Second, the Developing Working Group should promote collective reporting of the G20 countries and, third, it should encourage evaluation of policies and learning among countries.
L. Cavalli, FEEM and SDSN Italia, participated to the redaction of the T20 policy brief “Improving the G20’s coordination on the delivery and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda”.