Visions for Urban Post – Carbon Futures
12:00 - 13:30
Visions for urban post – carbon futures have a great potential in triggering urban transitions. We have analysed the results from an exercise of vision building undertaken in eight European cities, where visions were used as a tool helping the transition towards a post-carbon future. The comparison of the visions and scenarios collected in the different cities allowed us to improve our understanding into the needs and determinants for policy priorities in different types of cities. Moreover it will help tailor a common roadmap that can be adopted under various socio-economic contexts. The exercise has been made in the context of the research project on post-carbon urban futures (Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow, POCACITO). It is based on local workshops organised in nine European case study cities, which employed a three-step methodology consisting of an initial assessment, vision building and backcasting exercises. All exercises had a strong focus on the inclusion of stakeholders. Results from the case study cities show similar elements in the strategies proposed by stakeholders, focusing primarily on urban projects for energy efficiency and the transition to non-fossil energy resources. However, the specific mix of strategies envisaged for each city has been influenced by local issues, such as the geographical location or the size, as well as different points of departure with regards to emission reductions and sustainability strategies already achieved.