Project Meeting: DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS)
09:00 - 17:00
The European Decarbonisation Pathway Initiative (EDPI) supports EU research and innovation policy by providing science-based evidence and informing decision makers of the main challenges and available routes to decarbonise the European economy towards 2050. A central role in this initiative is for the High Level Panel (HLP) which steers the implementation of the EDPI, through the provision of independent strategic advice on objectives and milestones. It considers the latest trends, developments, opportunities for the transition to a low-carbon society in Europe. The DEEDS project will support DG R&I and the High-level Panel through delivering state-of the art knowledge on decarbonisation pathways and through facilitating knowledge co-creation with policy, business representatives, scientists, NGO’s and other stakeholders in the DEEDS dialogue. The main aim of this meeting is to bring about the latest development in the HLP activities. Discuss on the developments of the WP1 topic reports and the advancements on the scientific knowledge database. Our aim is to foster collaboration among researchers in this filed and eventually produce a review paper which describes the present and the future of research decarbonisation strategies in the EU.
Documenti Scaricabili
Programme of the DEEDS Closed-door Project Meeting