“Opimal Energy Mix between Photovoltaic and Conventional in a LCOE Framework”, Elsevier 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science
Mothballing in a duopoly: Evidence from the (shale-) oil market, Elsevier 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science, Tempe (USA)
The International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science is the premier global forum for exploring the nexus of energy and society. The 2019 conference will highlight the intersection of on-going and future changes in the energy sector and global society. Because energy is intimately woven into every society, alterations in energy systems reverberate throughout economies, cultures, landscapes, and politics. These changes transform human futures, even as social, policy, and market innovation create new pathways for energy technologies and industries. The opportunity to remake energy systems into more environmentally sustainable forms is thus also an opportunity to improve societal wellbeing and justice.
For more information, visit the Conference web site