At the beginning of the 21th century societies face the challenge of securing an efficient and environmentally supply of energy for present and future generations. As focused on the Agenda 21 document, approved during the Rio Conference in 1992, local administrations can play a fundamental role in acting for sustainability, accordingly to the well-known motto “think locally act globally”; and the Local A21 process is a suitable tool to design a strategic roadmap to sustainability. Thus, an effective energy planning is an essential step in such a process.
From the scientific point of view the planning process is focused on the modeling and the long-term analysis of an energy system, in order to develop a tool for the evaluation of different energy policy strategies to achieve the energy/environmental goals.
The aim of this study is to analyze and to compare different energy development scenarios through an optimization model, providing a strategic assessment of tools for the energy planners of a local community. The case study presented focuses on the analysis of the Province of Pavia energy system.

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