MEETmeTONIGHT belongs to the initiative “Researchers’ Night” of the European Commission, which will take place on 28 September 2012.

The Commission promotes this initiative every year, involving researchers and research institutions in every European country.

The Researchers’ Night is an event bringing together the public at large and researchers. It occurs annually on the fourth Friday of September all over Europe. Its main objective is to reveal scientists and science in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The Researchers’ Night offers the opportunity to discover research facilities that are usually not open to public (laboratories, research centres, museum collections, …), use the most recent technologies and instruments with the guidance of scientists, participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, watch demonstrations and simulations, exchange ideas and party with the researchers.

One of the main messages of Researchers’ Night is that researchers are "ordinary people with an extraordinary job". Beyond their fascinating profession they are sportsmen, musicians, painters, singers, comedians, and they are ready to share their talent with the public.

The project MEETmeTONIGHT promoted by the main Universities located in the Lombardy region, and in collaboration with the main public local authorities, private research institutions and centres, foundations and associations, aims at strengthening the knowledge of the expertise of researchers among communities and citizens.


FEEM will organize the following activities, from laboratories and experiments for kids, to seminars and scientific theatre shows for the general public: