LIMITS Final Conference
09:00 - 18:00
This conference aims at advancing the discussion about international climate policy making. The latest insights from a research project (LIMITS) which has quantified the consequences of implementing climate policies in the major economies will be presented and discussed with a panel of high level policymakers and experts.
The conference will discuss topics of key interest for climate policy, such as investment and financing, climate co-benefits, carbon markets, and technological transitions. New estimates of the resource and policy needs to mitigate climate change will be provided and framed into the current policy context, including a discussion of the outcome of the UN Climate Summit, which will be held only two days before this meeting.
The conference is organized into two main sessions. The morning one will provide high level policy insights from the project and discuss their possible repercussions for the Durban platform for advanced action. The afternoon will provide deep dives on the new research insights generated in LIMITS.
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