Sustainable development is possible even in complex contexts, but requires real and concrete commitment not only by the Institutions, but also and increasingly by the private sector.
This is the thought of J. D. Sachs, one of the world’s leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is creator of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations for the definition and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and of the new Sustainable Development Goals.
Access to sustainable energy for all is an essential prerequisite to reach those goals of development on which the future, not only of the poor of the world, but of the global economic system, is based.
Indeed, energy is the driver for the opening of markets and the exchange of knowledge, the private initiative combined with a strong and far-sighted public intervention, and the creation of opportunities and technological innovation for the efficient management of environmental resources. Effective and concrete efforts in this direction by all social actors will not only help feed the Planet, but will ensure the well-being and growth for all.
The development of the African Continent is no exception. In a context of new balances between the North and South of the globe, energy for Africa will mean both satisfying the basic needs of its population – first of all access to food – and enhancing an enormous human, social and environmental potential for the whole world.


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For the general public and international audience, we are planning to provide a live-streaming of the lecture. If you are interested in the service, please write an email to [email protected]. Instructions for the streaming will be given by email and will be published on FEEM’s website the day before the lecture.

An event organized by eni and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, in collaboration with Expo 2015