Joint DYNAMIX/POLFREE Policy Platform: “An ambitious Circular Economy Package for Europe: realizing the social, economic and environmental benefits of resource efficiency in Europe”
09:00 - 18:00
As an official partner of the DYNAMIX Project on "DYNAmic policy MIXes for absolute decoupling of environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth”, FEEM is pleased to announce the Joint DYNAMIX/POLFREE Policy Platform on “An ambitious Circular Economy Package for Europe: achieving Europe’s resource efficiency potential”. This will be a joint event between two FP7 research projects, DYNAMIX and POLFREE, which both explore the potential of a resource efficient Europe.
The focus of the 4th Policy Platform will be on the EU Circular Economy Package. Since the last version has been withdrawn, the new European Commission aims at drafting a new, broader and more ambitious package.
By bringing together high-level experts and results from these two major European research projects on resource efficiency, the 4th Policy Platform aims to: 1) generate a high level expert discussion around a new Circular Economy Package, and 2) work on policy recommendations to support the European Commission for a more ambitious Circular Economy Package.
During the various keynote interventions, interactive working-groups and panel discussions, participants will be actively engaged in the discussion of:
- How resource efficiency aspects should be included in the new package?
- What a more ambitious package should look like?
- What kind of policies and policy mixes should be considered?
- What may be the socio-economic opportunities derived from it?
What are the expectations and needs of Member States, policy makers and relevant stakeholder groups?
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