Internal Meeting and Project Steeering Committee of the PASHMINA project – Paradigm Shifts Modelling and Innovative Approaches
09:00 - 19:00
On 24-25 March 2011, FEEM will host at its headquarters in Venice a two-days internal meeting (Internal Meeting, Workpackage 4 meeting and Project Steeering Committee Meeting) of the PASHMINA (PAradigm SHifts Modelling and INnovative Approaches) project.
PASHMINA is a project supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, involving FEEM in a partnership with 10 European Research Institutes.
PASHMINA aims at showing that it is possible to address global changes in a long term time perspective (2030-2050), making a first development of tools – new generations of models and indicators – with enhanced capabilities to take into account the interaction between the economy and the environment, paradigm shifts in the energy-transport-environment nexus and the land-use and territorial functions.
At the Venice Meeting PASHMINA partners will assess the progress of the project; a special technical session will be reserved to Workpackage 4: “New generation of global accounting and general equilibrium modelling”. For more detailed information on PASHMINA please visit the project website.
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