European Summer School on Climate Change Negotiations
80:00 - 20:00
The 2010 Summer School will take place from the 4th to the 10th of July at the Venice International University campus on the Island of San Servolo, in Venice, located just in front of St. Mark’s Square. The theme of this Summer School is Climate Change Negotiations.
The purpose of the Summer School is to investigate some of the key issues emerging from the economic analysis of transboundary pollution, global public good problems, and environmental conflict. The focus will be on climate change as an important example of a worldwide environmental problem requiring global solutions.
The School will be divided in two parts. The first part will be devoted to the theoretical models on international environmental agreements based on game theory. The review of the basic models will be extended to include dynamic models and the analysis of uncertainty on the scope of cooperation. The second part will focus on some of the climate-economy integrated assessment models elaborated to evaluate the effects of different climate policies.