Conference on “Sustainable diversity, migration and social cohesion” – SUS.DIV and IMISCOE
09:00 - 16:00
Sustainable diversity, migration, social cohesion and sustainability address a number of pertinent research questions that are common to researchers in these fields. As a result of globalisation processes, such issues are gaining increasing importance for future political agendas in modern welfare societies. Invited to participate in the conference are individual researchers from the member institutes of two Networks of Excellence, IMISCOE and SUS.DIV.
The conference addresses the research themes of both networks, departing from the following question: how do we envisage the future of Europe with regard to diversity, migration and social cohesion? Specific emphasis will be placed on issues of understanding, communication and identity. Discussions will focus how we experience research on diversity, migration and integration, how we communicate about these themes and how we identify with them as both researchers and members of society.
Administrative meetings among institute directors and network boards have also been held in conjunction with the conference to discuss expansion, possible fusion and maintenance of the research networks.
Participants endeavoured to answer questions such as how should research collaboration be organised independent of European funding, how can present infrastructure and its achievements be maintained and what funding sources are available?
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