Ciack4Change in Milan: Cinema, Science and Climate Change
19:00 - 20:15
Next 4 October 2016, Teatro Scuola Linguaggicreativi will host ICCG – International Center for Climate Governance, a joint initiative of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Fondazione Giorgio Cini Onlus – with the project “Ciack4Change”, the format proposed during Venetonight, the European Researchers’ Night of last 30 September 2016.
Ciack4Change is an event aimed at raising awareness on climate change topics in the public at large. Short films and videos on climate change, selected from the Think Forward Film Festival (the ICCG festival on climate change and renewable energies), will be shown along with short presentations and comments by science communicator Andrea Bellati. The purpose is to foster knowledge on the topic and to highlight the correlations among cinema, science and climate change. A mix of entertainment and science that aims at encouraging questions and interaction with the public.