The 5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (WCERE) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from June 28 to July 2, 2014. After Venice (1998), Monterey (2002), Kyoto (2006), and Montréal (2010), the profession will convene in this unique World Heritage city that straddles Europe and Asia.

Hosted by Istanbul Technical University (ITU), WCERE 2014 is jointly organized by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), in cooperation with the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAAERE).

You are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of environmental and natural resource economics for presentation at the World Congress. Papers are to be submitted through the conference website, The submission process opens on September 1st, 2013.

The deadline for complete submissions is January 15, 2014.

Notification of the outcome of the peer review process is scheduled for April 1, 2014.

The number of submissions per person is unlimited, but the maximum number of presentation per person will be limited to one. Authors must be registered for the Congress by April 30, 2014 in order for their paper to be included in the program. All further details of the submission procedure can be found on the Conference website. Please also note the separate call for thematic sessions.

Mark Cohen, Vanderbilt University
Timo Goeschl, Heidelberg University
Erinç Yeldan, Yasar University
WCERE 2014 Scientific Programme Committee Co-chairs

Robert H. Frank, Cornell University
Matt Kahn, University of California, Los Angeles
E.S. Somanathan, Indian Statistical Institute

M. Özgür Kayalica, Istanbul Technical University

Further information is available at the conference website or by writing to [email protected].

1 September, 2013: Papers submissions start
1 October, 2013: Early registrations start
1 December, 2013: Deadline for thematic and policy sessions submissions
15 December, 2013: Notifications of acceptance of thematic sessions
15 January, 2014: Deadline for papers submission
31 March, 2014: Notifications of acceptance of papers
30 April, 2014: Early registration deadline – Deadline by which presenting authors must be registered for inclusion in the programme
31 May, 2014: Preliminary programme release

***Visit the Conference website***