The geopolitics and geoeconomics of energy in the MENA region (GEOMENA)
The project analyses the transformation process in the MENA region, which is at the centre of current world’s energy system while experiencing major changes both at the regional and global level. Over the last decade, the entire region has undergone significant transformations at the political, social and economic levels. Along these changes, rapidly mounting global decarbonization efforts are likely to substantially affect the entire region and current external interests. Through a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, the project seeks to analyse MENA’s energy sector and its transformation – driven by the global decarbonization. The ongoing energy transition may lead to a great transformation of societies and economies in MENA countries as well as their geopolitics and geoeconomics.
- Analysis of the energy development, challenges and drivers in MENA countries as well as its evolution in light of the ongoing energy transition.
- Identification of the drivers of geopolitics and energy geoeconomics within the region by external actors both at the current status and in a low-carbon future.
- Publication of a SPRINGER book, FEEM Working Papers and of related dissemination articles.
Related contents:
- “Energy in the Middle East and North Africa: Towards a Great Transformation?”, Springer Book.