Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile 2023 | Presentation of Alessandro Lanza's book, "Rainbow Energy. Is the Future Hydrogen?"
18:00 - 19:30
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei | Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 63, Milan
Alessandro Lanza (Executive Director, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)
Mariangela Pira (Giornalista, Sky Italia)
On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 06:00 p.m. in Sala Cinema at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei it is scheduled the presentation of the book “Rainbow Energy. Is the Future Hydrogen?” (il Mulino, 2023) by Alessandro Lanza, Executive Director, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
Alessandro Lanza will held a discussion with Mariangela Pira, journalist at Sky Italia, in the context of the Sustainable Development Festival 2023.
Climate change and the war in Ukraine have made the “energy transition,” indicating the need for solutions aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions produced by the current energy system, increasingly urgent. Foremost among these technologies there is hydrogen: while not being a source of energy, hydrogen is an abundant molecule found in nature and, as a fuel, can be an energy carrier. When produced, hydrogen is characterized by variegated colors resembling those of the rainbow: black, gray and brown if associated with high carbon content, yellow if this is moderate, blue if very low, while green, pink and turquoise if totally carbon-free. How do these different types of production affect its economic and environmental costs, and thus its industrial-scale applicability? What are the real prospects for the use of hydrogen in the immediate and distant future?
Publisher: Il Mulino
Alessandro Lanza, PhD in Economics from University College London and Visiting Fellow at Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. He is currently Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (LUISS), in Rome. He has been member of the Board of Directors of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), President of Sotacarbo and is a member of the editorial staff of lavoce.info. He has extensive research, teaching and management experiences having held various positions in Italy and abroad over the years, working as Senior Analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA), as Chief Economist at Eni, as CEO of Eni Corporate University and as Senior Research Fellow at the KAPSARC research center, in Saudi Arabia. Among his many significant achievements which deserve mention, he has been Leading Author at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He has been author of several publications in scientific journals and monographs. He is also founding member of the Italian Association of Environmental and Natural Resources Economists (IAERE) and the Italian Society for Climate Science (SISC) and member of the Sustainability Committee of Eurizon Capital SGR.
(IT LANGUAGE) Scheda libro "Energia arcobaleno. Il futuro è dell’idrogeno?" di Alessandro Lanza