For more than thirty years, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) has been developing and implementing multiple research projects addressing major current and emerging issues in the broad economic and social context with the aim of providing outputs based on data and evidence validated by the scientific community and thereby informing and shaping public debate.
FEEM relies on close collaboration with academic institutions by supporting researchers with different levels of experience to foster the fertilization of ideas and the accumulation of human capital.
FEEM is an Italian reality, both in terms of its presence and the context in which the projects are carried out; however, the Foundation bolster its presence at the international level by selecting research issues that show global relevance and through the creation of partnerships and networks of experts and collaborators based outside Italy.
With this strategic perspective of international openness and to reinforce once again its mission in which people are a fundamental and indispensable resource, FEEM has intended to adopt this Gender Equality Plan (GEP) or Plan for Gender Equality.
The GEP is a tool prepared by the European Commission, through the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), as a mandatory requirement for entities, universities and research centers willing to participate in the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021-2027. It is a planning and programmatic document whose goal is to achieve gender equality in the organization through structural change, that is, in practice, pursued with a plan of concrete and measurable actions and initiatives.
Therefore, with this document FEEM intends to make a systematic commitment to combat discrimination, inequality, and disparities in the workplace through clear and transparent priorities and goals aimed to create an environment based on individual equity and respect, regardless of the gender and/or sex of each person who works for or get involved with the Foundation.
To learn more, download below the “FEEM Gender Equality Plan”.