Integrated e-Services for Advanced Access to Heritage in Cultural Tourist Destinations – ISAAC
ISAAC’s main objective is to develop a novel user-friendly Information Communication Technology (ICT) environment that provides tourism e-services intended to meet the needs of both tourists and citizens in European cultural destinations.
ISAAC’s main objective is to develop a novel user-friendly Information Communication Technology (ICT) environment that provides tourism e-services intended to meet the needs of both tourists and citizens in European cultural destinations. The project does so by facilitating virtual access to and by stimulating learning experience of European cultural heritage (CH) assets before, during and after a real visit. The goals of the project are to (a) harmonise knowledge and practice in European cultural tourism destinations for the benefit of different categories of tourists and other users along the cultural tourism experience life-cycle, and to (b) build a multi-stakeholder community of private/public destination managers, IT providers, citizens and tourists, for experiencing and managing European cultural heritage in urban tourist destinations.
FEEM is participating in workpackage 1 entitled “Developing the framework: E-heritage and cultural tourism services” and workpackage 4 “Governance and regional economic development”. Specifically, within WP1, FEEM identifies user requirements by developing and conducting three pilot studies (in the cities of Amsterdam, Genoa and Leipzig) in order to assess the non-market impacts of cultural tourism on citizens’ quality of life and tourists’ experience using the conjoint choice approach. One of the advantages of this approach is that it allows us to estimate the monetary benefits of new cultural e-services.
Within WP 4, FEEM leads task 4.3 aiming at developing a governance framework to manage cultural e-services. The framework is designed to be implemented in the city of Genoa and to be exportable to any other European locale. The system is structured into two phases—the creation and management of a web site, and assistance to participatory decision-making for developing cultural tourism.