The CITI4GREEN action, funded within the EU DG REGIO Cohesion policy 2020 call, aims to engage stakeholders and citizens in the understanding, co-monitoring and co-evaluation (Co-assessment) of interventions realized in areas affected by the 2016-2017 Italian earthquakes. The Co-assessment refers to science-stakeholder-citizen joint efforts where science-informed activities provide guidance to citizens in understanding the value of climate resiliency, environmental and socio-economic protection and development measures. CITI4GREEN will collect data gathered within the ReSTART (Territorial Resiliency of the Italian Central Appennine after the 2016-2017 Earthquake) project led by the River Basin District Authority of the Central Apennine to co-assess the multiple benefits of the actions financed within the 2014-2020 cohesion policy programme. Furthermore, the project will continue implementing the competences developed in previous project about the quantification of SDGs’ targets at local level. CITI4GREEN will produce and disseminate policy briefs and technical reports in “stakeholder language”, also supported by a web-based data sharing and engagement platform, to share with a wide audience the impact of ReSTART actions in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.
- Citizens and stakeholder engagement for the assessment and shared awareness of the multiple benefits of actions for the management and enhancement of the areas affected by the 2016 earthquake in Central Italy inspired by the principles and objectives of the EU Green Deal and the UN 2030 Agenda;
- Develop knowledge transfer, communication and engagement activities;
- Produce Policy briefs (tailored to municipality/regional managers);
- Develop and estimate quantitative metrics demonstrating the technical, economic and social value of green and blue interventions; funded within the 2014-2020 cohesion policy program;
- Promote the importance of smart and digital technologies for water/territorial management;
- Support bottom-up approaches and quantitative methods characterizing the Co-assessment activities;
- Evaluating, demonstrating and sharing the effects of actions supported by cohesion policies in relation to the objectives of environmental and social sustainability (UN SDGs) and the principles of transition and green economy.