Web Submission Form
Dear Author/s,
Welcome to our Web Submission Form. Publication in our series does not prevent publication of your paper elsewhere, as FEEM does not require copyright transfer. The corresponding author, however, should make sure that publication in our working papers does not violate third party rights. May we remind you that the publication of your paper is conditional on approval by FEEM’s editors. Our working papers are widely circulated internationally and are also loaded on the AgEcon, Bepress, RePEc, EconLit, ZBW and SSRN databases.
If you wish to submit a paper please enter the information requested into the appropriate spaces on the form. In the Author field please enter the name, affiliation, and email address for each author. Enter the Abstract by pasting it or typing it into the form. If pasting the text of your abstract, be sure that any symbols or special characters have come through correctly. Separate each item with a comma in the Authors, Keywords and JEL codes fields. Review the entered information for accuracy. Upload the pdf file of your paper. The attachment should not exceed 4 MB.
If any problems are encountered during the upload please contact [email protected].
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