Workshop internazionale “Investment in Energy”, Istituto Superior Técnico, Lisbona
9:15 // Opening 9:30 // Verena Hagspiel, NTNU, "Green Capacity Investment under Subsidy Withdrawal Uncertainty"
10:15 // Alberto Sardinha, IST, "Feed-in Tariff Contract Schemes and Regulatory Uncertainty"
11:00 // Coffee Break
11:30 // Artur Rodrigues, UMinho, "Finite-lived collars and capacity choice"
12:15 // Lunch
14:00 // Sergio Vergalli, University of Brescia and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, FEEM and Marta Castellini, University of Brescia and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, FEEM "Investment in a Smart Grid under Uncertainty: the prosumer perspective"
14:45 // Pedro Godinho, UCoimbra, "Trading on the risk premium of electricity futures using machine learning"
15:30 // Coffee Break 16:00 // Paulo Canaveira, IST, "Challanges in going to 100% renewable electricity production"
16:45 // Paul Edge, EDP, "Practicalities of Integrated Market Modelling"
One-day workshop, where experts from the area will present and discuss some recent results about decisions regarding investment in energy, in particular in renewable energies.
For more information, please visit the workshop web site page