Venetonight 2016 - Ciack4change: cinema, scienza e cambiamenti climatici
19:30 - 20:30
Ca' Foscari Zattere - CFZ, Venice (Tesa 1 room)
Venice, h. 19:30 - 20:30
Andrea Bellati
Andrea Bellati is a biologist. After obtaining his degree, he attended the Popularization of Sciences School and held a Master in Cinematographic Skills Improvement.
Andrea has been working on popularization of science for 10 years now. He is the author of numerous publications for editorial, videos and websites. He has interviewed some of the most important names on the international scientific world scene and has also directed documentaries. Andrea organises conferences and high level educational courses, plans and carries out exhibitions, seminars and cultural events.
Read more here about him:
For information: [email protected] / + 39 041 2700 443 (Giovanna Bettio)
The entrance is free of charge. We invite you all to register in the event. To register in the event, please click here and insert your data.
The event will last around 1 hour. Punctuality is requested.
On September 30th, 2016 at 19:30, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the VenetoNight event will host ICCG – International Center for Climate Governance, a joint initiative of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Fondazione Giorgio Cini – with the project “Ciack4change”.
Ciack4Change is an event aimed at spreading information on climate change topics among the general public. Short films and videos on climate change, selected from the Think Forward Film Festival (the ICCG festival on climate change and renewable energies), will be shown along with short presentations and comments by science communicator, Andrea Bellati, to foster knowledge on the topic and discover the interconnections between cinema, science and climate change. A mix of entertainment and science that aims at encouraging questions and interaction with the public.
Venetonight – European Researchers’ Night
European Researchers’ Night is an initiative that has been promoted by the European Commission since 2005, bringing together researchers and the general public in different European cities on the same late summer date, the fourth Friday of September.
European Researchers’ Night is a great chance to entertainingly introduce a public of all ages to the world of research, to open a space for encounter and dialogue with citizens, and to sensitize young people to scientific careers.
On September 30, 2016, citizens in different European cities will be able to visit research centers that are usually not open to the public, to use the latest technology under the guidance of researchers, to participate in experiments, competitions, demonstrations and simulations, and to trade ideas while celebrating with the researchers.