Summer School in Euro Mediterranean Strategies on Sustainable Thinking & Sustainable Tourism / Summer School in Strategie Euro Mediterranee sul tema Pensiero Responsabile e Turismo Responsabile
10:00 - 18:00
Hotel Santavenere
Via Conte Stefano Rivetti 1
85046 Maratea (PZ)
The VI edition of the Summer School in Euro Mediterranean Strategies on “Sustainable Thinking & Sustainable Tourism” will be held from September 23 to 26 in Maratea (PZ).
The Summer School is promoted by FEEM – Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation and IASEM – Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies, motivated by the common will to re-launch the debate on the Mediterranean integration process.
The School will be attended by students from different Mediterranean Countries, who will discuss and debate on these topics with renowned international experts. The course is structured in classes on the Mediterranean’s geo-political and economic context, and workshops on sustainable tourism, as a tool supporting local development and dialogue.
The event will be concluded by a public conference on Saturday, September 26, with the participation of local and international experts and authorities.
Programme and info sheet are available here.
For information on administrative and logistic aspects, please contact IASEM secretary at
For information on scientific and academic aspects, please contact the Scientific Coordinator of IASEM Pierpaolo Grezzi:
For more information: